Monday 25 December 2023

Super White washing process


Introduction: Super white washing is a washing process which is carried out in mainly for increasing the whiteness effects of a white fabric. Super white wash is done specially on the garments made from cotton grey fabric. The garments after washing look extremely white. In this washing mainly used chemical is optical brightening or whitening agent.

Fig: Super White washed pant.

Process flow chart of Super white garments washing –

Hot Wash
Hydro extraction
Working procedure of super white washing process: 

Super white washing process for 100 kg garments-

 1. De-sizing: 

  • Batch size: 100 kg cotton grey fabrics.
  • Water and Liquor -  L:R: 1:8
  • Machine running
  • Temperature up to 90°C
  • Add detergent - 2%(OWF)
  • Cold caustic soda - 8% (OWF)
  • Add Soda ash - 5% (OWF)
  • Hydrogen per oxide - 12% (OWF)
  • Stabilizer - 5% (OWF)
  • Time: 70 minutes
  • Drop the liquor

2. Bleaching:

  •   Add detergent - 1% (OWF)
  •  Add Caustic soda - 3-4% (OWF)
  •  Hydrogen per oxide - 6-8% (OWF)
  •  Stabilizer - 2% (OWF)
  •  Time: 45-60 minutes
  •  Temperature: 90°C

3. Hot Wash:

  • Temperature: 50°C-80°C
  • Time: 5-10 minutes
  •  Drop the liquor

4. Neutralization:

  • Add Acetic acid - 1%
  • Time: 5-10 minutes
  • Cold wash

5. Brightening:

  • Add optical brightener agent - 0.5-0.6%
  • Time: 5-10 minutes

6. Softening/finishing:

  • Add softener - 0.5-1%
  • Time: 5-10 minutes

7. Hydro extraction:

Extracted extra water (up to 70%) from the garments.

8. Drying:

  • Load 60kg garments to gas dryer
  • Machine running
  • Temperature: 75°C-85°C
  • Time: 40 minutes in hot dryer
  • After then run 10 minutes in cold dryer.

9. Delivery:

After final inspection of quality control department garments are ready for delivering.

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