Experiment Name: Study on side lever under picking mechanism.

Theory: Picking is the second of the primary motion of weaving. The object of picking is to insert the weft yarn through the warp shred during weaving. It consists in passing a pick of weft between the upper and lower lines of a divided warp. In side lever under picking mechanism,  a circular disk carrying a bowl is driven by the bottom shaft and the picking stick is held in position outside the loom frame. The term under pick mechanism means the picking stick moves from the bottom of the box and pivot of the stick is placed below the box.

1) To learn about side lever under picking mechanism.
2) To learn about different parts used in this mechanism.


Fig: Side Lever Under Pick Mechanism

Related Machine parts:
  • Bottom shaft
  • Circular Disk
  • Picking Bowl
  • Picking Shoe
  • Side Lever
  • Pivot
  • Guide
  • Elbow
  • Picking Stick
  • Returning Spring
  • Rocking Shaft
  • Buffer
  • Picker
  • Shuttle Box


1) the circular disk received motion from the bottom shaft. The disk contain a bowl named picking bowl able to push down the picking shoe of side lever.

2) Side lever of loom pivoted with loom frame and the up-down motion of side lever is controlled by fixed guide.

3) Side lever is connected with elbow of picking stick which attached with returning spring on the top  of rocking shaft.

4) Each picking stick contains picker which push the shuttle through the passage.

Working Principle:

Due to motion of circular disk the picking bowl strike on picking shoe. For the strike lever pushed down. The front side of the lever push the elbow of picking stick, the result picking stick move forward and it hit the picker which push the shuttle to insert weft and the pushing force is enough to send the shuttle to opposite shuttle box.

Speed of bottom shaft :   (960 X 3 X 38) / (24 X 76)
                                              = 60
There are two picking mechanism : PPM = 2 X 60 = 120

Result : 120 PPM

Conclusion : >>>>>>>>>>>>>