Saturday, 30 September 2023

Scouring and bleaching of 100% cotton knitted fabric at combined stage.


Experiment Name: Scouring and bleaching of 100% cotton knitted fabric at combined stage.

Theory:  Scouring is the process of removing the impurities such as oil, fat, wax dust and dirt from the textile material to make it hydrophilic. Bleaching is the chemical treatment for removal of natural coloring matter from the fabric. The  source of natural color is organic compounds with conjugated double bonds, by doing chemical bleaching the discoloration takes place by breaking chromophore. The material appears whiter after the bleaching.

Nature of Sample : 100% cotton knitted gray fabric.

Apparatus Required :
1.            Beakers.
2.            Glass Rod.
3.            Pipette.
4.            Measuring Cylinder.
5.            pH meter.
6.            Tri-pod Stand.
7.            gas burner.
8.            Thermometer.'
9.            Pot.

Process Sequence:

Collection of 100% cotton fabric
Scouring and bleaching at 100deg C
cold rinsing
hot wash
cold rinsing

Recipe of Scouring and bleaching:
Detergent: 1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
NaOH: 3 g/L (Stock Solution - 2%)
H2O2 : 4 g/L (Stock Solution - 3%)
Peroxide stabilizer : 1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Sequestering agent: 1g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Time: 1 Hour
Fabric Weight: 5gm
M:L =  1:30


Total Liquor required
Fabric Weight = 5gm
M: L = 1:30

Required amount of liquor = 5 X 30
                                            = 150mL

Detergent  : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

NaOH : 3g/L
= (150   X   3g/L) / (2%    x      1000)
= 22.5ml

H2O2 : 4g/L
= (150   X   4g/L) / (3%    x      1000)
= 20ml

Peroxide stabilizer : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Sequestering agent : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Initial Water required = Total liquor   - Chemicals
=  150 - (15+22.5+20+15+15)
= 150-87.5 mL
= 62.5mL

Function of Chemicals:
 Emulsify fats, oils and waxes, and suspend other dust dirt etc.
NaoH: Neutralizes acidic medium. maintain alkaline medium for perfect operation.

Sequestering agent:
 Deactivate metal ions.

Peroxide Stabilizer: The decomposition of peroxide under the influence of alkali is adjusted by stabilizer.
H2O2: It is the bleaching agent. It used to produce permanent whiteness on fabric.

Process Curve

Sample Attachment and  Observation:

Comments:  The treated fabric is whiter compare to the non treated fabric.

  • All chemicals measure are taken properly.
  • Temperature maintain properly.
  • Burner used very carefully.
  • Time maintain according to recipe.

Conclusion: ....................................

Friday, 29 September 2023

Determination of relative humidity by wet and dry bulb hygrometer


Experiment Name:  Determination of relative humidity by wet and dry bulb hygrometer.

i) To know about relative humidity.
II) To know about principle process of wet and dry bulb hygrometer.
III) To determinate relative humidity exists in our textile testing and quality control lab.
IV) To write a brief report according to this experiment.

Relative Humidity: Relative humidity (abbreviated RH) is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour to the equilibrium vapour pressure of water at a given temperature. Relative humidity depends on temperature and the pressure of the system of interest. It requires less water vapour to attain high relative humidity at low temperatures; more water vapour is required to attain high relative humidity in warm or hot air.

Determination of Relative Humidity:

Result:  Average  73%
Conclusion: .....................

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Dyeing of 100% cotton knitted fabric with direct dye.


Experiment Name:  Dyeing of 100% cotton knitted fabric with direct dye.

Theory:  Direct Dye is a class of dyestuff that are applied directly to the substrate in a neutral or alkaline bath. They produce full shades on cotton and linen without mordanting and can also be applied to rayon, silk, and wool. Direct dyes give bright shades but exhibit poor wash fastness. Various after treatments are used to improve the wash fastness of direct dyes.  Direct Dyes are molecules that adhere to the fabric molecules without help from other chemicals. Direct dyes are defined as anionic dyes with substantively for cellulosic fibres, normally applied from an aqueous dye bath containing an electrolyte, either sodium chloride (NaCl) or sodium sulphate (Na2SO4).

Nature of Sample : 100% cotton pre-treated  knit fabric.

Apparatus Required :
1.            Beakers.
2.            Glass Rod.
3.            Pipette.
4.            Measuring Cylinder.
5.            Digital Balance.
6.            Tri-pod Stand.
7.            Gas burner.
8.            Thermometer.'
9.            Pot.

Process Sequence:

Collection of 100% cotton pre treated sample
Dyeing with direct dye at 100deg C for 20 Minutes
After Treatment
cold rinsing
hot wash
cold rinsing

Direct Dye: 1% Owf (Stock Solution - 1%)
Wetting Agent: 1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Salt: 2 g/L (Stock Solution - 2%)
Soda Ash :1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Temperature:100deg C
Time: 20 minutes
Fabric Weight: 5gm
M:L =  1:30


Total Liquor required
Fabric Weight = 5gm
M: L = 1:30
Required amount of liquor = 5 X 30
= 150mL

Direct Dye :
= (5   X   1%) / (1%)
= 5ml

Salt : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Soda ash: 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Wetting Agent : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Initial Water required = Total liquor   - Chemicals
=  150 - (15+5+15+15)
= 150-50 mL
= 100 mL

Function of Chemicals:

Direct Dye: the primary chemical substance use to color the fabric.
NaCl: This common slat used as electrolyte. We know that direct dye is anionic dye and cotton fibre assume a negative charge when immersed in water.  Electrolyte reduce or extinguish the charge on the fibre, to color the fabric.

Soda Ash:
It Maintain suitable pH for direct dyeing.

Wetting Agent:
wetting agent is substances that reduce the surface tension of water to allow it to spread drops onto a surface, increasing the spreading abilities of a liquid. Lowering the surface tension lowers the energy required to spread drops onto a film.

Process Curve:

Sample Attachment and  Observation:

Fig: Sample Before Dyed

Fig: Sample After Dyed

The pre-treated Fabric absorbed direct dye.

  • All chemicals measure are taken properly.
  • Temperature maintain properly.
  • Burner used very carefully.
  • Time maintain according to recipe.


Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Dyeing of 100% Nylon fabric with Acid dye.


Experiment Name:  Dyeing of 100% Nylon fabric with Acid dye.

Theory: Acid dyes are highly water soluble, and have better light fastness than basic dyes. The textile acid dyes are effective for protein fibers such as silk, wool, nylon and modified acrylics. They contain sulphonic acid groups, which are usually present as sodium sulphonate salts. These increase solubility in water, and give the dye molecules a negative charge. In an acidic solution, the -NH2 functionalities of the fibres are protonated to give a positive charge: -NH3+. This charge interacts with the negative dye charge, allowing the formation of ionic interactions. As well as this, Van-der-Waals bonds, dipolar bonds and hydrogen bonds are formed between dye and fibre.

Nature of Sample : 100% Nylon Woven  fabric.

Apparatus Required :
1.            Beakers.
2.            Glass Rod.
3.            Pipette.
4.            Measuring Cylinder.
5.            Digital Balance.
6.            Tri-pod Stand.
7.            gas burner.
8.            Thermometer.'
9.            Pot.
10.          pH Meter

Process Sequence:

Collection of 100% Nylon  sample
Dyeing with Acid dye at 100deg C for 20 Minutes
After Treatment
cold rinsing
hot wash
cold rinsing

Acid Dye: 1% Owf (Stock Solution - 1%)
Wetting Agent: 1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Acetic Acid: 0.8 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Temperature:100deg C
Time: 20 minutes
pH:   4.5 - 5.5
Fabric Weight: 5gm
M:L =  1:30


Total Liquor required
Fabric Weight = 5gm
M: L = 1:30
Required amount of liquor = 5 X 30
                                            = 150mL
Acid  Dye :
= (5   X   1%) / (1%)
= 5ml

Wetting Agent : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Acetic Acid : 0.8g/L
= (150   X   0.8 g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 12ml

Initial Water required = Total liquor   - Chemicals
=  150 - (15+12+5)
= 150-32 mL
= 118 mL

Function of Chemicals:
Wetting Agent: Wetting agent is substances that reduce the surface tension of water to allow it to spread drops onto a surface, increasing the spreading abilities of a liquid. Lowering the surface tension lowers the energy required to spread drops onto a film.

Acid Dye: The main substance to color the sample.

Acetic Acid: Acetic acid used for maintain pH 4.5-5.5. Because the Acid dye only works in acidic medium.

Process Curve

Sample Attachment and  Observation:

Comments: The Nylon fabric turn orange color after dyed by Acid Dye..

All chemicals measure are taken properly.
Temperature maintain properly.
Burner used very carefully.
Time maintain according to recipe.


Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Dyeing of 100% Jute fabric with Basic dye.


Experiment Name:  Dyeing of 100% Jute fabric with Basic dye.

Theory:  Basic Dyes are cationic soluble salts of coloured bases. Basic dyes are applied to substrate with anionic character where electrostatic attractions are formed. Basic dyes are not used on cotton as the structures are neither planar nor large enough for sufficient substantivity or affinity. Basic dyes are called cationic dyes because the chromophore in basic dye molecules contains a positive charge. The basic dyes react on the basic side of the isoelectric points. Basic dyes are salts, usually chlorides, in which the dyestuff is the basic or positive radical. Basic dyes are powerful colouring agents. It’s applied to wool, silk, cotton and modified acrylic fibres.

Nature of Sample : 100% Jute Woven  fabric.

Apparatus Required :
1.            Beakers.
2.            Glass Rod.
3.            Pipette.
4.            Measuring Cylinder.
5.            Digital Balance.
6.            Tri-pod Stand.
7.            gas burner.
8.            Thermometer.
9.            Pot.
10.          pH Meter.

Process Sequence:
Collection of pre-treated 100% Jute  sample
Dyeing with Basic dye at 100deg C for 20 Minutes
After Treatment
cold rinsing
hot wash
cold rinsing

Basic Dye: 1% Owf (Stock Solution - 1%)
Wetting Agent: 1 g/L (Stock Solution - 1%)
Acetic Acid: 0.8 g/L (Stock Solution - 2%)
Temperature:100deg C
Time: 20 minutes
pH:   4.5 - 5.5
Fabric Weight: 5gm
M:L =  1:30


Total Liquor required
Fabric Weight = 5gm
M: L = 1:30
Required amount of liquor = 5 X 30
                                           = 150mL
Basic  Dye :
= (5   X   1%) / (1%)
= 5ml

Acetic Acid : 0.8g/L
= (150   X   0.8 g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 12ml
Wetting Agent : 0.8g/L
= (150   X   0.8 g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 12ml

Initial Water required = Total liquor   - Chemicals
=  150 - (12+12+5)
= 150-29 mL
= 121 mL

Function of Chemicals:
Wetting Agent:
Wetting agent is substances that reduce the surface tension of water to allow it to spread drops onto a surface, increasing the spreading abilities of a liquid. Lowering the surface tension lowers the energy required to spread drops onto a film.

Basic  Dye:
The main substance to color the sample.

Acetic Acid:
Acetic acid used for maintain pH 4.5-5.5. Because the Basic dye require  acidic medium.

Process Curve :

Sample Attachment and  Observation:

Dyed Jute Fabric

Comments: The Jute fabric achieve color  after dyed by Basic Dye..

  • All chemicals measure are taken properly.
  • Temperature maintain properly.
  • Burner used very carefully.
  • Time maintain according to recipe.


Study on different types of drives used in textile machine.


Experiment Name: Study on different types of drives used in textile machine.

I)                   Observe different types of drives.
II)                Make a short report about drives.

Theory of drives: The parts of machine used to transmit motion from one component to another component then it’s called drives.

List of different types of drives:
I)                   Pulley & Belt
II)                Gear
III)              Sprocket and chain
IV)             Tappet.
V)               Variable drives.

I)                   Pulley & Belt:
A belt is a loop of flexible material used to mechanically link two rotating shafts most often parallel. Belt may be used as a source of motion to transmit power efficiently. Belts are looped over pulleys. Inn a two pulley system the belt can either drive the pulleys normally in one direction, or the belt may be crossed, so that the direction of driven shaft is reversed.

Types of pulleys and belt:
a)     Flat pulley and belt.
b)    V- belt
c)     Timing belt.
d)    Round belt.
e)    Etc.

A)   Flat belts and pulleys:
The flat belt is a simple system of motion transmission. It can deliver high power at high speed. But this wide belt and large pulleys required lots of space and high tension for operation.
Fig: Pulley and Belt

B)    V belts:
V belts are mostly used for transmission motion. They provide the best combination of traction, high speed of movement and long service life. It solved the alignment problem but it still there is a problem called slippage.
Fig: V- Pulley and belt

C)    Timing belt:
When the slippage of belt is a big matter to production there we used timing belt.
Fig: Timing Belt

D)   Round belt:
Round belts are circular cross section belt designed to run a pulley with v-groove. Round groove are only suitable pulley that guide the belts.

FIG: Round Belt

II)                Gear:
A gear is rotating machine parts having cut teeth which mesh with another toothed part to transmit power or motion.
Fig: Gear

Different types of gear:
I)                   Straight cut gears.
II)                Hailed gears.
III)              Bevel gears.
IV)             Warm gears.
a)    Straight cut gears:
These are simplest types of gear. They consist of a cylinder or disks with projecting radially. The each tooth is straight and align parallel to the axis of rotation.

b)    Hailed gear: Hailed gear offer a refinement over straight cut gear. The leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation, but are set of an angle.

c)     Bevel gear:  A bevel gear is shaped like right circular cone with most of its of. It stands and make 450  angle to transmit motion.

d)    Tappet: A tappet is a projection that imparts a linear motion of some other component with is a mechanism.

e)    Variable drive: Its slow the drives motion in time constantly.
Conclusion: Drives are important for transmit motion. Noted and draw diagram carefully.


Monday, 25 September 2023

Bio-polishing of 100% cotton knitted fabric with cellulase Enzyme.


Experiment No : 01

Experiment Name:
Bio-polishing of 100% cotton knitted fabric with cellulase Enzyme.

Bio-polishing is a process that enhances fabric quality by decreasing the pilling tendency and fuzziness of cotton fabrics. This finishing process applied to both cotton fabrics or garments that produces permanent effect by the use of Enzymes. This process removes protruding fibres and slubs from cotton fabrics significantly reduces pilling, softens fabric and provide a smooth fabric appearance.

Name of sample :
100% Cotton knitted gray fabric.

Apparatus required:

i) Beakers.
ii) Glass Rod.
iii) Pipette.
iv)Measuring Cylinder.
v) pH meter.
vi) Tri-pod Stand.
vii) Gas Burner.
viii) Thermometer.
ix) Pot.

Process Sequence:

Collection of 100% cotton knotted fabric
Bio Polishing of 100% cotton fabric at 50oC for 15 minutes

Rising temperature to 80oC for 3 minutes
cold rinsing
hot wash

cold rinsing

Recipe of bio-polishing:

Cellulase Enzyme:- 1% (Stock Solution 1%)
Wetting agent      :- 1g/L (Stock Solution 1%)
Acetic acid              :- 0.8 g/L (Stock Solution 1%)
Fabric weight        :- 5gm
M:L                          :-  1:30
Temperature       :- 40-50 oC
pH                            :- 4.5 - 5.5
Time                        :- 15 minute


Total Liquor required
Fabric Weight = 5gm
M: L = 1:30
Required amount of liquor = 5 X 30
                                                      = 150mL
Enzyme required:  1%
   = (5X1%)           /              1%
    = 5mL

Wetting agent : 1g/L
= (150   X   1g/L) / (1%    x      1000)
= 15ml

Acetic Acid : 0.8g/L
= (150   X 0.8g/L)    /    (1%    X    1000)
= 12mL

Initial Water required = Total liquor   - Chemicals
                                            =  150 - (12+15+5)
                                            = 150-32 mL
                                            = 118mL

Functions of Chemicals:

Wetting Agent:
wetting agent is substances that reduce the surface tension of water to allow it to spread drops onto a surface, increasing the spreading abilities of a liquid. Lowering the surface tension lowers the energy required to spread drops onto a film.

Acetic Acid:
Acetic acid used for maintain pH 4.5-5.5. Because the cellulase Enzyme works in acidic medium.

Cellulase Enzyme:  The hydrolysis action of the enzyme wreakers the protruding fibers, when small physical abrasion force is sufficient to break and remove them.

Process Curve:

 Fig: Process Curve   (Landscape)

Sample attachment and observation:

I have notice here the effect of bio-polishing where the treated fabric is less hairy, more soft and clean then other one.

  • All chemicals measure are taken properly.
  • Temperature maintain properly.
  • Burner used very carefully.
  • Time maintain according to recipe.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Difference machine of Textile Wet Processing Lab


Experiment Name: Difference machine of Textile Wet Processing Lab

  •  Iron Machine.
  •  Electronic Balance.
  •       GSM Cutter.
  •       Tri- Pot Stand.
  •       Gas burner.
  • Glass rod.
  • Thermometer.
  •       Scissor.
  •       PH paper.
  •       Padding machine.
  •       Drying and curing machine.
  •      water measuring cylinder.
  •       Glass rod.

Various Types of machine and their application:

I)  Padding Mangle: This machine consisting a pair of squeezing rollers for the treatment of fabric, Either for dye process and use well scoured, bleached fabric for dry status.
Padding MANGLE Machine

II) Dry and curing machine: This machine uses as dryer for dry the knit, woven fabrics and dyed yarn and also use as curing machine. Curing can be defined as a process addition of a finish to the textile fabric, in which material are heated for certain time to effect chemical reaction.

Dry & Curing Machine

III) Iron: It is used to press clothes by heat to remove creases.

IV) Electronic balance: Use to measure accurate measurement of weight. It can detect small amount of change of deviation.

V) GSM Cutter : GSM Cutter is circular fabric sample  cutter  use to determine accurately the GSM of Fabric.

VI) pH Paper: It use to measure the pH rate of the solution.

VII) Air compressor: Air compressor is a device that converts power into potential energy stored in pressurized air.

VIII) Thermometer: Use to measure temperature of any substance.

IX) Glass Rod: It use to mix chemicals and liquids.

X) Scissor: Use to cut fabric, paper etc.
XI) pH meter: It determine pH of any liquid substance.

XII) Measuring Cylinder:
Use to measure water or any liquid substance.

Difference between Dye Affinity & Dye Substantivity

  Difference between Dye Affinity & Dye Substantivity Dye Substantivity Dye Affinity Natural attraction betwee...